Saturday 13 October 2012

Migratory birds in Manila.

 Nikon D80 attached with 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 - 1/750; f/6.7; ISO 200
 Photo by LC Miculob

We all know about the migratory birds, right? and we know that it is an endangered species. My concern about migratory birds is that here in the Philippines migratory birds live in trashed coastal area near coastal road in Manila. It happens that our government is not funding a good place for endangered species such as the migratory birds, there just using the money of the Filipino people to spend their private fancy expenses and forgetting there concerns in our nature.

I'm not saying that all of our superiors in the Philippines are uncivilized by there work or from there position, I am just saying this to see the other world what are country do and I do believe that some superiors of our government knows this crisis about migratory birds living on a trashed coast, i think?, so yeah...there's the proof.

Nikon D700 attached with 70-200mm f/2.8 - 1/5,000; f/2.8; ISO100
Photo by LC Miculob
A proof that our migratory birds here in the Philippines live in a trashed coastal area in Manila. I have dozens of photos that migratory birds in Manila are living in a trash waste. By the way, from the photo, the left side of it..It is a public urinal where people take a dump and it's muddy as ever and the color of the mud is black and yes! it stinks a lot, if you stay like 2 minutes, you smell like a dead rat or something.

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